Fibonacci scale

Quickly estimate the effort and complexity of tasks, then prioritize them with clarity through consensus.
Fibonacci scale thumbnail

What is a Fibonacci scale template?

A Fibonacci scale template helps teams assess the effort and complexity of tasks, making it easier to prioritize and assign work efficiently.

Who is this template for?

The Fibonacci scale template can be used by various professionals and teams, particularly in project planning and task estimation. It’s commonly used by agile development teams, product owners, marketing teams, and entrepreneurs to evaluate and prioritize tasks.

How to use this template

  1. Start by sharing the template Space with your team and inviting everyone to join a Catchup.
  2. Collaborate with your team to jot down every task on individual sticky notes. This will help you estimate the effort and risks involved.
  3. Move each task to the Fibonacci value that best matches its estimated effort and complexity, based on team consensus. For example, simpler tasks can fit into the 1–3 range, while medium or moderately complex tasks might land in the 5–8 range. More complex tasks will fall above 8.
  4. Keep things flexible by continuously updating your estimates throughout the project as tasks evolve and you gather more insights.